Growing as I serve the Lord for two years and love the people for a lifetime

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fiambre, Baptism, and No Halloween

Alright. Busy week. So on Thursday, we had our first zone conference. It was super awesome. I learned a lot, and President and Hermana Crapo are some of the nicest people on the planet. Our assistants are awesome too. It was all in Spanish, and I understood about 98% of it! My Spanish is improving a lot. I work hard every day, and I can really see it paying off. 
I went on splits with a zone leader this week. Elder Brindle- He's from Kentucky and has about 3 weeks left in the mission. He still works super hard, which is awesome. I learned a lot from him. We placed a BOM and a ton of folletos, so that was awesome. We went tracting in the Favela! The houses that we saw were actually pretty nice inside. Wood floors and TVs. 

So it finally happened. A lady started breastfeeding during a lesson. I totally saw it coming, and I was like, "Oh no. Oh no please don't grab your baby. Oh keep them in your shirt. Oh that's a boob."  And the night before, I saw a guy pooping on the sidewalk! We walked back that way later, and I think that a gorilla actually swung by and added to his pile. It was ungodly large. 

Okay, so the 1st of Noviembre is pretty much labor day. I think we were only able to teach 3 lessons. Nobody was home. But there's a traditional dish here called "Fiambre." I was told it was a meat and cheese salad. I was expecting carne asada and pollo frito, with some awesome guatemalan goat cheeses or something, but it was just a bunch of sliced lunch meat. Not awful, but I definitely prefer my street tacos. We had boiled squash for dessert. Boiled squash is not dessert. 

So we had a baptism yesterday!! His name is Gonzalo, and he's a really awesome guy. He's super humble. We invited him to be baptized on my first night here, and he was baptized yesterday right after church! It was really cool to see our hard work, as well as the work of the Spirit, pay off. Elder Funes did the baptizing, because it was his first baptism as well. We have 4 more fechas lined up, so I hope they all go through!
I'm in Alma 43 right now. I'll probably finish the Book of Mormon in another week and a half. Alma 26 is probably the most amazing chapter in the whole book. It helped me a lot. 

Love you all!
Oh yeah, nobody here celebrates halloween. Or Dia De Los Muertos.

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